AFPPD Supported National-level activity

AFPPD Supported National-level activity, New Delhi, India

18 November 2022

Meeting with IAPPD ExCom members and Technical Advisory Group, New Delhi, India

The Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) has organized an interaction with the its most experienced/knowledgeable subject experts on thematic study of youth/gender involvement of members of parliament and Legislative Assemblies on issues of Adolescent and Youth. This was prelude to the implementation of the national-level activity program of the AFPPD. This was attended by IAPPD the Executive members (senior parliamentarians) and technical advisory members, which include former senior bureaucrats, former UNFPA officers and members of academia.
Mdm. Viplove Thakur, former MP and Vice-Chairperson of IAPPD welcomed all participants and expressed the gratitude to the AFPPD and UNFPA to support such programs. She stated that AFPPD’s initiatives to support such activities is very welcomed and hoped that many National Committees will be benefiting from this. She, also, mentioned the importance of AFPPD as a regional forum in which IAPPD belong to, and expressed her hope that many other national committees in the region will revitalize their mandate.
Ms. Geeta Narayan and Dr. Suneeta Mukherjee and Dr. Pravin Kumar Jha who are the consultants hired by IAPPD to conduct this study, did a presentation, explaining the objectives of the study and plan of action. This project aims to study the secondary sources on youth/gender involvement and to find out if any important points are missing, especially after impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this study will be presented and shared to the members of the parliament in order to address the gaps.

IAPPD members shared their views on the study, such as to include local leaders in the interview section, to create awareness of people in the grassroots. According to Hon. Bhubaneshwar Kalita, MP, COVID has disrupted the communication of the government/parliament with the grassroots, which needs to be restored. Other comments were that age 10-14 is an important for the adolescent and SRH studies. Furthermore, it was stressed that the issue of GBV should be carefully studied and in order to prevent this, it is equally important that men are educated too.
Dr. Usmonov Farrukh, Interim Executive Director of AFPPD thanked the IAPPD and team for this initiative. He explained the objectives of the small-grant projects and wished the team to successfully accomplish this study which can be shared with the other members of the AFPPD in the future.

21 November 2022

Meeting with Hon. Deepender Hoods, MP India, Vice-Chair of AFPPD

Dr. Usmonov Farrukh, Interim Executive Director of AFPPD met with Hon. Hooda Deepender, MP India and Vice-Chair of AFPPD. He explained the outcome of the 93rd AFPPD Executive Committee meeting which was held in Manila, the Philippines on 22 October 2022. It was also mentioned that AFPPD is planning to organize the GCPPD2023 in Japan in April 2023. Moreover, in conjunction with this event, AFPPD would like to hold 14th General Assembly and 44th ExCom on 24 April 2023 and welcomes members’ contribution in agenda of these events.
Hon. Hooda welcomed AFPPD’s initiatives under leadership of Hon. Prof. Keizo Takemi and looking forward to actively participate in the upcoming events in the future. He suggested that the Secretariat to share the draft agenda of the meeting and receive the comments from the member-states in order to comprehensively cover their inputs.