AFPPD Supported National-level activity Jakarta

AFPPD Supported National-level activity

29 – 30 November 2022

Inauguration of IFPPD, Seminar on three zeros, and exchange programme on ASRH, and Gender, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Co-funded by AFPPD, the Indonesia Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IFPPD) has organized a seminar on three (ending preventable maternal death, ending unmet need for family planning, and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices), and an exchange programme on ASRH and gender, was organized in Jakarta on 29-30 November 2022.

On the first day, the meeting was attended by more than 80 offline participants, 91 participants from YouTube (viewed by 1140 persons so far), and 68 participants through a Zoom link. In addition to the inauguration of IFPPD, an MoU between BKKBN, the National Population and Family Planning Board of Indonesia, and IFPPD was also signed. In session 1, the three zeros were presented by representatives from three lead agencies (BKKBN, MOH, and MOWECP), with a discussant from IFPPD. While on session 2, ASRH issues were presented and discussed by a former senator of the Philippines, UNFPA APRO Programme Managers, and a Director of Bappenas.

Several high level dignitaries from BKKBN, Indonesian National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas), UNFPA Indonesia, IFPPD. AFPPD/APDA, attended either offline and online at the opening ceremony.

On the second day, 30 December 2022, the meeting was attended by 69 participants offline, and 47 persons through a zoom link. Representing Parliament members and technical staff, government officials, NGOs, and youth organizations, but most of the participants were young people. There were virtual visits i.e. to PIK-R (Youth Information and Counselling Centers) and to Posyandu Remaja (Youth Integrated Services). PIK-R is a youth lead information and counselling center, with three main purposes: prevention of premarital sex, prevention of drug abuse, and prevention of HIV/AIDS. While Posyandu Remaja is community and youth-based integrated health and gender services. Itis run by the community, from the community, and for the community. It includes youth-friendly services, promotive and preventive health care and services, life skill education, adolescent reproductive health, psycho-social health, prevention of drug abuse, nutrition education, physical activities, prevention of gender-based violence.

The joint event was officially closed by Secretary General/Executive Director of APDA, and Chairperson of IFPPD.